quite a while

it's been a long time since i've posted. last week haylie was over again. it was fine till she wet the bed. normaly we make her wear a pullup at night. but she starting crying and saying that her mom said she wasn't supposed to wear one. the fisrt night was fine, till she woke me up. she had to potty, which was fine. but afterwards she wouldn't go back to sleep. she kept saying she was scared. so i covered her up and tucked her in, and gave her a stuffed animal. that's what i did when i was scared when i was little. but she kept saying it, so i took her to my parents. i had maybe 3 minutes of peace before she came back saying she wanted to sleep with me. so mom and i told her she had to go to sleep. but she wanted to sleep plastered up next to me, and that was not fun. the next night was better, but when we woke up in the morning, she said her nightgown was wet. and so was the bed. so the next night we gave her no choice. she wore the pullup. she cried and threw a tantrum, but i told her i didn't care. i also rolled up some blankets to make a barrier between us so she wouldn't sleep up against me. and after that night whenever she said she was scared, i figured out it was just for attention. so i just shushed her, and rubbed her back some. if that didn't work, i sat up and told her i that i was tired, so shush.

we got snow dumped on us once again. i stayed home and didn't go to work. no way i'm going to go there. it was probably dead anyway. it was super busy yesterday. and why should i spend lots of time outside in the snow and freezing temps. for a dollar tip. i'm really tired of this. it snows, and when we finally get ourselves dug out and the roads cleared, we get dumped on again. this cycle sucks.
