it's been a while since i've posted, i've been busy. but i have big news. as my title states, i have a new car. kinda. dad and i talked to the owners today, and said yes to our offer. we agreed to meet again friday, and we'll pay them then and get the keys. it's a 2000 ford taurus. green. i love it. the timing is perfect too. dad starts his new job monday, so he's going to need the impala. which leaves me with no car. so i'd have to be taxied to work. not fun. so i'm glad to finally have my own car. mindy's reaction when i told her was good.

me-mindy, we have our own car now!
mindy-perks her ears up *so we can move out now?!*
me-so this means that next time you have to go to the vet, we can go in our own car!
mindy-ears go flat back *maybe a car isn't such a good idea then*

this quarter i'm taking 4 classes instead of the usual 3. and my parents got me the wii fit + for xmas. so when i'm not doing research, homework, reading my history books, or working, i'm exercising on the wii. i love it. i will never go to the gym again. and one last bi of news, mindy turned 10 this month. she is now a whole decade! ryan and i kept teasing her that she's old.
