
i played the wii a litle bit this morning, ut then i had to go out w/ mom to shovel. i also had to unbury jade. she had a foot of snow on her. i then headed to work. i was tempted to stay home, but decided against it. i thought it would be dead, with all the snow we already had, and it was STILL snowing. it snowed till 1, maybe 2. up till 12, it was slow, but then it was BUSY!!! and there were only 12 of us baggers. so we had to run back inside, bag and load the groceries as fast as we could, and run back inside. i am exhausted. and my feet hurt. we were al happy to seethe high schoolers at 4. then we left them. i slowly made my way home, i didn't want to wreck jade.

once home i just relaxed. dad brought subway home for dinner for me. i took some tests. dad brought home some cookie dough too, so we are making cookies now. mmmm.
