no food

my mom is haveing sugery on the 9th, but for 2 weeks before her surgery she has to be on a liquid diet. something about trying to shrink the liver. protien shakes, chicken broth, sugar free jello, and sugarfree popcicles is all she can have. it's been torture for her, not being able to eat, and still seeing ryan, dad and i eat. so i have joined her on her liquid diet. today was day 3. i've already lost noticable weight. am happy bout that. but not eating makes you tired really easily. work was torture today. i was so tired. by the end of the day, i was also getting weak. it was really difficult to bag the food. let alone push it outside and load it into cars. but at least the weather is nice, and i don't have to try to fight through snow.

i have started a manga. i have 2 pages done and inked, and the bio and title page. i also have several more sketched out. hopefully i'll be able to get them done this weekend, and then i'll scan them.
