i'm back

i have no idea why, but i'v been gone for a really long time. i think i took a break for a while to get an essay done, then never logged back in. sad thing is is that theO is my homepage, and i still didn't log back in. but i'm back now, i'll try to be better at staying here this time.

today i walked to church, and i had to be there earlier than usuall because i volunteered to do childcare for the first service. plus i had a sunday school class that i now teach during the third service. dad mowed the yard so i was recruited to rake the excess grass up. but that's better than having to pick up the piles, my brother ended up with that job. i took a nap, and when i woke up my parents gave me a sack with some easter goodies in it. i got a card that when i open it it plays the chicken dance sone. plus candy and some cash.

i managed to finish my homework today though. i had half a chapter left to read and 2 worksheets. tomorrow i plan on starting my 25 page essay that's due in 2 weeks. ugh. but i did figure out a great way to keep motivated. for every page i type i give myself 10 minutes of free time on the internet. i can type really quickly with that kind of reward.
