i hate papers

went to the gym this morning, had a great workout and managed to lift some weights. i then had to go to a jewlers store to have my watch fixed. i bought an alice in wonderland watch on ebay, and it has the chesire cat on it(the coolest character ever) but it was way to big. it slid right off my wrist. i had the jewler take some of the links out of the band. now it fits. yay! went to a party of sorts today as well. one of the cashiers where i work is building a house and kansas and will be moving there. i'm really going to miss her, she's so nice to me. a bunch of us got together with her at a china buffett for lunch.

right now i'm supposed to be working on my paper, which my teacher said should be 20-30 pages long. but it's not due for another 2 weeks, so i'll start it today, hopefully get a few pages typed before i head out to class tonight. ugh, i hate evening classes. dad showed me a new way to get there that is 15-20 minutes faster, but includes lots of exits and lane changes. the way i usually drive stakes an hour and there are lots of red lights and idiots to deal with. hopefully i can master the faster way, and learn all the exits i'm supposed to take without getting lost. wish me luck!
