i hate homework

i managed to get home last night without getting lost. i had one slight moment of panic, but i think i've got it down now. but when i got to class i found out we were supposed to read chapters 8, 9 and 10 and do a worksheet for each. i did 8 and 9 but didn't know about 10. thankfully the teacher said i could email it to her today. which i should be doing now. then i have to read three more chapters, 11, 12 and 13 and do a workshhet for each. and lets not forget about that huge essay which i thought i had two weeks to do, turns out it's due this upcoming monday. i wanted to sleep over at one friends house friday, and spend saterday at the zoo with another friend, but it looks like i'm going to be holed up in my room with my cat doing homework instead.

today was good though. the parking lot at work is getting remodeled and torn apart, so for the past 2 weeks most of it has been roped off. but today most of it was open for customers to park in again. and easter candy was reduced to half price, so aflac mike went and bought 60 chocolate covered peeps, and then distributed 30 of them. he gave me 2! i ate on, but have the other stashed away where my dad wont find it for later.
