slow day

work was slow and boring today. but i was able to spend plenty of time with monique, and she gave me lots of ideas for the sunday school class i teach. now i just have to type them up and save them so i don't forget them.

my car's steering wheel is stuck. my dad recently changed the steering wheel fluid pupm (it was leeking when the car was on, and when we turned it off it spat at my dad ). but i think he did something wrong, because now it's a major arm wrestling contest to turn my car, especially to get out of a parking lot. ugh. it's exhausting.

i think i've gotten the majority of my research done for my danny phantom fanfic. just a little bit more, then i'm gonna start typing hopefully. but unfortuantly, i have to finish my essay (which is due monday) done fisrt. i'm gonna try to get 5-7 pages typed tonight, and hopefully that put at near completion. then another 5ish pages tomorrow, i'll be done and have several hours on saturday all to myself to start my fanfic.
