i'm not good at titles

i had art class today. managed to finish my latest project. i made a mold out of plaster of 4 different bullets, then melted down crayons and poured then in the mold.i ended up with a grand total of 37ish crayon bullets which i then used to make a flower with a peace sign in the center. i heated one side and then stuck it onto a stretched cloth. lastly i cut out pictures of war devestation and pasted them all around the colorful bullet flower.

for my next project i think i'm going to try to carve a lifesize version of CLockwork's staff out of wood. if i can't do that then i'll carve a miniture (maybe about two feet tall) version out of plaster. for my final project i'm going to make clockwork plushies. one of him as a child, another as an adult and the third will be old man clockwork. i will also make staffs and watches for the plushies out of clay. i can't wait. hopefully i get my check from work this weekend so i can buy the wood and cloth to get started.clockwork is my current obsession.

last night i had to get intimate with my car.the steering wheel was jammed, and i was haveing the hardest time turing my car. it was exhasting. my dad pulled a hose off of something to remove a filter we think was too big so it was clogging the hose, preventing the fluid from lubricating my engine or something. i don't know, i'm not a mechanic. but to keep all the fliud from draining after the hose was pulled off i had to reach my hand into the engine and stop the hole with my finger. i got strange icky liquid on my hand. yuck. but i think pulling out that filter did the trick, because i was able to manuver my car today when i went to class.

i think i'm going to be able to finish my essay tonight. i have maybe 3-4 more pages, and it should be done. yay! i will then have saturday free to start my fanfic, and go to a friend's house in the evening, we're going to watch the new ALice in Wonderland movie.

one more thing, mom's making jumbalya for dinner tonight! jumbalya is in my top 3 favorite foods, i absolutly love it. sadly, i am the only one in my house that loves it. everyone else merely likes it. so mom hardly ever makes it.
