i hate today

today started off good, everything went well at the gym. but when i got to work all us baggers discovered something horrile.the extra lane we have beside our store was inaccessable. there is construction going on it out parking lot, so we already have been haveing to climb up the ramps dragging carts of grocery's to the store next to us's parking lot. but now to make matters worse, they close down the street to out pull up lane. we only have to arms, we can only push two carts at once. and today was the day when 90% of the customers had HUGE orders, which tended to be 3-4 carts. poor wendy had an order that ened up being 6 carts. so we have to drag 2 carts across the street, up the ramp, up the parking lot which is uphill, then run back to get the other carts. or the customers had to help us and push a cart or two, which they were NOT happy about. so today just sucked.

and when i got home, i was in no mood to socialize with the family. but they WONT LEAVE ME ALONE. first ryan is bugging me cause he wants to use my account to buy something, but dad insists on helping and is a total grumpy BEAR! then he comes and bugs me about my cell phone payment, then if i've checked something on the computer, then comes in my room and yells at me for not folding my clothes yet. i'd finally had enough and snapped back that it was hard to fold clothes when he was up my butt about everything else. he's gone now. i hope he stays in the living room now. i just want to listen to the phieas and ferb soundtrack a friendlent me, and crochet. i've decided i'm to stressed today to bother with homework. i'll start it tommorow.

and because today wasn't bad enough, the family computer froze on me AGAIN! i have to use that computer to put music and videos on my zune, but i swear that computer has is out to get me or something. i was able to put phineas and ferb on my zune, but not some more danny phantom videos maybe i'll try tomorrow. i ahte that computer.
