sewing makes e sleepy

i had to go to art class today.i spent the entire class perfecting the stencils for my plushies. i got 2 of the four done. and i actually managed to figure out how to get to hobby lobby from campus and back without getting lost. i got some teeny tiny buttons for eyes for my plushies.and some extra fabric for practice plushies.

mom and dad decided to go get my 4 year old cousin haylie for the weekend. i WAS planning on typeing my paper, making my plushies, and make my staff. but nooo. now i have to entertain a 4 year old all weekend long. and it is IMPOSSIBLE to get any homework done with a 4 year old that has glued herself to your hip.i love haylie, but i am really backed up on a lot of stuff. my mom wants he over, but refuses to entertain her. my brother locks himself in his room so he's no help, and my dad complains that he 'too old'. but i don't care what their excuses are. i have homewor and they are going to help me! i refuse to do all the work this time.
