40 screaming kids and power tools

first off, thank you natisaku for the belated easter gifts!

my parents and even my brother have actually been helping out alot with haylie! i've managed to get 4 pages of my paper typed. today we all went to a drive through safari that had some bears, bison, and a lot of different deer and elk. there was also a trail we could walk. but there was a hill, a huge hill that had steps made for tall people. i practically had to lift my foot up to my ears to get up to the next stpe. and i swear there were a hundred of them! it was an exhausting hill. but after we finished the trail we ate a lunch we packed out amongst the trees. it was really nice.

during the long car trip to the safari and back i got one of my practice plushies done for my art project. i also took a nap. when haylie's over she has to sleep with me in my bed. but she insists on lyeing right up against me and wants to share my pillow with me. but i want absolutly no contact whatsoever. i barely got any sleep last night so the nap was great.

when we got home dad and i worked on my art project some. i got to use a power saw to cut the wood. all we need to do is cut the hole for the clock and the top part will be done. i also got the smaller pieces sketched out on the blocks of wood. probably monday i'll saw them out.

i had to do daycare today. at the daycare i work at, one of the boy's mom was haveing her vows renewed today. she asked if i and 3 other ladies could do childcare during the reception. the room we were in was really nice, but at one point we had roughly 40 screaming kids in there. i'm not really sure how many there were, there was to many to count and the parents kept picking them up then dropping them off again. it was crazy.

tomorrow is mother's day!!! i got my mom a crystal cat that looks like her cat bogart and a crocheted rose. tomorrow we're taking haylie back home and going to visit grandparents. i'm going to take the fabric for my plushies and try to get them sewed and cut out, ready to be stuffed when i get home. i'm also going to take my textbook and try to get the rest of my worksheets finished.
