purple cherry

i spent the majority of the day in a car. after church we headed out on the road to take haylie home. but while we were there we hooked up with the grandparents and walked over to Zeno's Pizza for dinner. but on the way back home we passed a frozen yogurt place called purple cherry that was new there. ryan and i managed to convince mom to give us some cash to get something. i got cheesecake and hershey kiss flavors with sprinkles! it was awsome. but when we got home we discovered that one of the cats had been sick while we were gone and pucked on the carpet. gross.

my allergies have been horrible today! i've been sneezing all day, and my nose and eyes won't stop itching! i hate spring.

i was working on my practice plushies today, and my grandma showed me a quiker way to do the backstitch. it's like doing 2 stiches at once! my plushies take no time to sew now.
