power tools!!!!

i had to drag myself out of bed this morning. i ended up sleeping an hour longer than i had wanted. but i went to the gym, and i'm glad i did, because i had a lot more energy when i got done. but i was only able to do my fav stairmaster for a half hour instead of an hour like i wanted. my right knee is acting up again. after just a half hour i ended up limping off the machine. i should've gotten off sooner.

i came home and made myself a fried egg sandwitch for lunch. yumm. i haven't had one in a while, it was awsome. and i managed to get my zune to work! usually the family computer hates me and refuses to either sync with my device, or send music to my device, but it worked today. and i added some more episodes of danny phantom! i can't wait to watch them at the gym tomorrow.

i'm nearly done with my paper!!! i have maybe 1-2 more pages, i think i'll be able to get it done tonight! yay! and i got some of my art project done too. dad and i got the trapeziod thing sawed out and glued to the top piece. we drilled a hole in the bottom of the trapeziod and filed the pole down, and tomorrow we'll glue those two pieces together. we also got about half done with the tiny piece done that goes on the bottom of the staff. all we have to do tomorrow is saw the hole out of the top piece and instal the clock, and finish the tiny bottom piece. thursday i'll paint it and turn it in on friday! tomorrow though dad and i have to go shopping for the final supplies. we need large pieces of wood to build my ghostzone dollhouse, hotglue to glue the realms down inside the dollhouse, and a special screw to attach the tiny bottom piece of the staff to the pole.

i told ryan that i probably won't have his blanket done on his birthday. he asked me to crochet a red, white and blue blanket for him for his birthday. i have a little more than 1 skane left to go, but with my huge final project and another paper to type, it won't be done on the 23rd. but i told him i would work on it during the long drive to the grand canyon. we are going there the first week of june. he said he was okay with waiting, it's not exactly blanket weather anymore so he's in no big hurry. but once i finish his i have immediatly start working on mom's. her birthday is mid-august, and she wants a pink and purple blanket.
