it bit me! ;-;

today was good up to a point, then everything went downhill. work was good. but i had a pen in my jacket pocket which exploded. my pants are now the canvas for abstract art. personally i think the splotches look really cool. mom on the other hand, hates it. but the back of the jacket pocket was still slightly damp. so i snuck up to people and real quick poked them with it, and gave them blue splotches. the last hour of work was fun!

but i went to go home after work, and realized i didn't have my keys. i locked them in the car. thankfully i passed by greg in the parking lot, and he was parked near me. i asked him if he had a stick of some sort. i had my windows cracked, so if i could just lower something in there and bump the unlock button i could get in my car. thankfully greg is super nice and helped me get into my car.

after work dad and i went to lowes to get final supplies for y ghostzone dollhouse. it ended up being 50 dollars more than i expected. why must art supplies cost so much?

when we got home, i started working on filing away a piece of wood round it out. i was using a power tool file, and it bit me. the wood sliped and i ended up rubbing my knuckle against a high speed large oothed file the scraped a bit of my knuckle raw. it still hurts.

i managed to get my staff completly assembled. i just need to sand and paint it, which i shall do tomorrow. i'm not going to the gym tomorrow. my right knee is aching again. i had to go up the ramps and hill all day long at work, and i think i rehurt my knee again. so instead of going to the gym tomorrow and making it worse, i'm just going to walk to work instead.
