new episode tonight!!!!

today i drove all the way out to class, and realized i forgot my ceramic glaze. and since next week is the last day of class, i had to glaze my pieces today. so i had to drive all the way home to get it. but i also grabbed a can opener. i took a can of chilli for lunch but forgot the can opener.

once i got back to class we had to do our presentations for what we have planned for our final projects. i glazed my pieces, got some sewing done, we criticted our molded and carved pieces, and by then class was done. but i found a solution to the cracked glass of the clock in my staff. i removed the glass. i tapped it lightly with a hammer to break it some more and pulled it out. it looks much better now. and when i showed it to the class i wrapped a piece of purple cloth around my shoulders to look like clockwork and made my classmates laugh.

i hope to get my 3 clockworks done tonight, and hopefully get walker and frostbite prepared so i can sew them tomorrow.

there's a new episode of phineas and ferb on tonight!!!! yay!
