she hasn't killed me yet

my room looks like a bomb went off. i've started working on the realms for the doll house, so supplies and bags from michaels, walmart and blick are all over my room. i'm surprised my mom hasn't burst into my room snarling at me to clean my room. but it will be clean eventually. once the doll house is completed i can move the realms into it and they won't be cluttering my floor anymore.

and speaking of my mom, she tried to persuade me to give up on the doll house. she said there was no place to store it in the house or my room. so i was going to give up since she's right. but dad rescued me. he said that when he was a kid he had a fort his uncle steve made for him and his brother, and even made little cowboys and indian. they played with it all the time. he said this handmade dollhouse would be great for when i have kids of my own. and he suggested calling my grandparents. they have a big old farmhouse out in the country, and that they might be willing to store the dollhouse in their attic untill i move out. i called them and they said yes. so i'm still going to make the dollhouse, much to my mom's annoyence. sometimes i think she doesn't like the fact that i'm an artist. she thinks what i make is clutter.

i spent today working on the realms. i got pariah's castle done, and i'm almost finished with youngblood's pirate ship. i even got started on skulker's island. i'm supposed to meet with a friend tonight at her house and we both have sculpting clay. so while she makes food with hers i'm gonna work on making skulker and clockwork's tower.

last night dad and i got a bunch done on the actual dollhouse. we've gotten three walls put together, and the pieces for the doors cut, they just need to be assembled. but he had to work overtime today, so i'm not sure if he's going to be willing to work on it tonight. i hope he is.

my new fav. song. determinate by lemonade mouth.
