
today i visited my old (my brother's current) high school. i had to do my last observation. i confused the ladies at the office. i told them i was a college student and asked them if i could observe an art or history class. they just stood there blinking, then asked if i wasn't a student there. i told them i used to go to that high school, but graduated 2 years ago. but i still look like i should be in high school. and the fact that i had all my stuff in the same backpack i used in high school probably didn't help, but they said i could observe. sadly there was a sub in the art room all this week, so i observed my old gov. teacher. he was really cool, and i knew he'd probably still recognize me. he did. it was nice to see him again and talk. he asked me why i decided to teach art instead of just becoming an artist. and while i do love art, i love teaching more. so i think combining my 2 passions = awsome. he just seemed confused. but he let me use my laptop while i observed. so instead of having to write a bunch of notes then go home and type my paper, i was able to just type my paper while i observed him. so now all i have to do is go over wat i have, fine tone it a bit, and i'm done! fastest paper i've ever written.

i got another piece for my art project today. a castly irdhouse. i just finished painting it purple. it's the midieval realm for my doll house. i also finished frostbite's realm.

i'm meeting a friend i haven't seen in a few months today. he had to move to st. louis a few months back. i've kept in touch with him, but he's here visiting because of graduations. us and a couple other coworkers are going to hang out at the community center.

unfortunatly i have class tonight. but since all we're doing is our teaching stargeties presentations, hopefully class will end early. i'm so tired. i didn't get a chance for a nap today, and i don't want to be up late because of class.

i haven't been able to go to the gym in several days because i've been working on homework and art projects. i feel horrible because i've been eating a bunch of junk food.

and now, my fav song for today:
