dad had to take me to class today because my dol house was due today, and it doesn't fit in my little car. my doll house is 4x3x2.5 feet. we criticed at 1, so i had a few hours to put the final touches on it. but i finished it! it feels so good, i can finally relax. i spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing. and i finally figured out the instructions for making aminekos!! i'm half way done with the head. i hope to finish it this weekend. and Leomonade Mouth was on again today! i didn't get to see it last time it played, so i got to catch it tonight. it was awsome!

the last 2 nights i haven't gotten much sleep because of all the stress the doll house has caused me, so i'm exhausted and sore. i can't wait for a nice sleep tonight. i took a short video of my doll house. i'll work on loading that tomorrow to show you guys what it looks like.
