*does a happy dance*

i don't have to take any classes this summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

at my advising appointment at the university i found out that the class i thought i needed to take this summer wouldn't transfer, and even if it would i already have to many credits so it still wouldn't transfer. this will be the first summer i've had off in 3 years. i'm so excited.

i took some yarn to work today to crochet when it was slow. good thing i did too. it rained really hard for about 2 hours so there wasn't much business so i got a lot of crocheting done. izzy's bday is in a week and i'm trying to get an amineko made for her. i'm going to make her a rainbow one with pink tips. i am naming it starbursts and i will put a pack of starbursts in it's paws.

mom's making blc (bacon lettuce and cheese) for dinner tonight. yummm.
