today was sunny with a slight breeze. made work enjoyable. and it was busier than yesterday!!! but i did manage to get the ears and 1 arm done for izzy's amineko. i got the other arm done at home, i hope to get the muzzle done today too before i head off to bed.

my cat chased a bug! she's old, so she doesn't really move to much anymore, but she saw the little thing hovering in my room and ran! she darted across my bed and leapt into the air and caught it! i think she even killed it. i should give her a treat. it was nice to see her move. i think she even had fun.

my dad's cat texa hates me. he was in the kitchen earlier, and i was on the couch in the living room. i blew him a kiss and he got a panicked look on his face and scrambled across the linoleum trying to dodge it. the second time he was outside on the deck, and when i blew him a kiss he ran down the steps into the yard. the third time he was coming back into the house and ran back outside when i blew him a kiss. the last two times i saw him she zoomed past me so i wouldn't have a chance to blow him a kiss. picking on him is so much fun.
