GIANT bugs!

last night we opened the patio door to let the cats in the backyard. but we leave the door open so that they can go in and out as they please. but last night i giant bug flew in! i thought it was a bee or wasp. we have had wasps sneak before. one night we found 5 wasps. i was freaking out and yelling for dad. he and ryan are the bug killers. FINALLY he stopped ignoring me and came to kill it. we shooed the cats back inside and shut the door to keep the bugs out. but then i went downstairs to scoop the litter boxes and there was a bug in there too! i told dad and he just threw the bug swatter down at me. but i told him i wasn't going to scoop the boxes until he killed the bug. that's what boys are for, killing bugs. i'm okay with little bugs. i can vacuum them up or get the cats to eat them. but big bugs are horrible. finally dad came down and killed it for my. yuck.
