what an adventure

tomorrow i'm heading out early to drive to the grand canyon with my parents and brother. so i won't be on at all next week. but since we're going to be gone for a week we drug all 4 cats outside to be brushed and have they're claws clipped. bogart and sammie were easy. they're the youngest and naive ones. and bogart is so tolerant. he just lays there while you brush and clip him. he doesn't complain at all. sammie squirms and crys but a hand on his scruff keeps him still. but texa and mindy are the fun ones. their older and wiser. they can read our minds i think. when we decided it was time to brush, we didn't say anything but both adults disappeared. mindy went behind the couch in the basement and texa sqeezed under the couch upstairs. but hunting cats is the best sport, so much fun. and then when we get the adults outside it's a battle to hold them down. i love brushing the cats. they don't like it but i do.

i gave my sunday school class carrots for snack today. i didn't think it would be popular but it was! they even asked for seconds. and i read them 2 dr. seuss books.

i hate packing. haveing to figure out what all i'll need for the trip is a pain in the butt. and i still have to vacuum the whole house since i didn't help with yardwork yesterday. ugh. i also had to clean mindy's kennel. she doesn't get along with the boys so she has her own kennel to sleep in at night. but since she's old and can't hold it all night anymore she also has a box in the kennel. but she often misses, and makes a mess in her kennel. i had to unscrew the top and scrub it down. stinky smelly cat urine caked inside a kennel is the definition of disgusting. when i got a wiff of it i nearly threw up on the driveway.
