
today when we left this morning we spent most of the day driving through the rocky mountains. my ears were popping the whole time. but i'm glad a took my medicine. i get motion sickness very easily in a car so i got some meds for that. cause with all the back and forth weaving through the mountains i would have thrown up for sure with out it.

we stopped at a reststop by the colorado river and i grabbed a rock. i also have a rock from the badlands in south dakota. i love rocks.

we're in utah now so it's all dessert. we went on a 3 mile hike through some of the arches and mountainy thingys. i got a rock from there too, it's reddish orange. but there we're some steep climbs to go up and down on the hike. i nearly twisted my ankle.

the hotle we're at tonight has a pool so we went swimming for awhile. but i wore a tshirt over my suit. i gained some weight awhile back and have been unsuccesful in losing it. so i felt fat and horrible in my suit. dad says we should reach the grand canyon tomorrow after lunch. i can't wait!
