so tired of this

it's official. i'm sick and tired of this family bonding togetherness. and i'm stuck with my parents and brother for another 2 days.T.T help me!

but i've been to the grand canyon. i got a rock from there too. and some other cool souvenirs. we went on lots of hikes too. 2 were on the rim, 1 actually went down into the canyon. we went a mile and a half downhill intot he canyon, which wasn't to bad. but then we had to climb that mile and a half uphill to get out of the canyon. a steep uphill. a very steep uphill. and the higher up you go the thinner the air, which made it worse. we were all dragging ourselves at the end. but it was worth it. it was so cool to go down into the canyon, that's where i snagged my rock from.

right now we're in some place called grand junction, which i think is a very strange name for a city. and they have wierd street names. our hotel is on 28 1/4 street. the next street is 28 1/2 street. why someone would put fractions with street names is beyond me.
