just one more night

this is hopefully the last night we have to spend in a hotel. we should be home tomorrow. which means this will be the last night i have to share a bed with my brother, which i absolutly detest.

i'm so happy to be back in nebraska. where the ground is relativly flat and my ears don't pop. i looked up why our ears pop. when we go up the pressure presses our eardrums against the inner part of our ear, and when we go down the air presses the eardrums against the outer part of our ear. to releive the pressure air goes out a little tube whose name escapes me. i hate it when my ears pop.

when we arrived at our hotel mom decided we were going to walk the trail by the lake which turned into lets walk across town to the gym. took forever to get there. and mom had said it would be this high-tech really cool gym. but it was a tiny brick building with 5 machines. so after wandering around town for nearly an hour we arrived at this itty bitty gym. a total let down. ugh. i wish i was home. i miss my cats.
