
today started off good. i did the water aerobics class with my mom. we did dumbbells today, and so my arms ache slightly and are tired. feels good. i then met my partner for vbs recreation and got our decorations all made.

then i headed to the bowling alley. me and 3 friends from work had planned to meet there at noon for lunch, hang out and bowl. nobody was there yet when i got there, which i figured i'd be the first to arrive. 10 minutes passed, and nobody showed. so i decided to eat while waiting. 20 minutes passed, then 30. i finished my lunch and watched the other groups there bowling and haveing fun. none of my friends showed up. christie texted me at 1 with her excuse, but the other 2 never did. i thought they were my friends, and they stood me up. i sat there like a fool waiting for them and they never showed! i'm torn between crying and being pissed off. this ALWAYS happens. i make some friends, we make plans, and they never show. i've decided i'm tired of it. i always have to do all the work when we make plans. check everyone's schedule, think of a place for us to go, what time, and work out transportation. but i guess my plans just aren't good enough for them. so when i see them at work tomorrow i'm going to tell them from now on i'm not doing any work. they can plan everything out now. then i'm going to give them the cold shoulder for the rest of the week.

other than that, i got my eyesite checked today. i had to get dilated. then they didn't give me any sunglasses. so driving home was no fun. and i had to go to the university to pay a parking ticket. joy. that campus confuses me so i always get lost everytime i go there. and i have to go to the same building each visit so you'd think i'd have figured out by now, but i don't.

i plan on relaxing the rest of the night. unfortunatly mom's making tacos for dinner. yuck. i hate tacos. maybe she'll let me make something else. or maybe i'll go get subway.
