new glasses

i saw my 3 'friends' at work today. christie came right to me when i got there and aplogized profusly. peggy had a good excuse. she had been in the emegency room sunday and got transfered someplace else yesterday. she has a fungus in her throat. izzy never said anything, which hurt. they accepted my cold shoulder with understanding. i et them know i forgive them, but that doesn't mean i'm not still upset. they lost my trust. i don't trust easy, i've been burned so many times. i'm almost starting to think i'd be better off not trusting at all.

but onto better news. afte work my parnts, brother and i went to eyemasters to pick out new glasses for my brother and i. ryan picked out a pair identical to his old ones. i like to get something completly different though. after 2 years i want to put something new and completly different on my face. my old ones are rectangle and brown. my new ones are red. but i'm sitching to transition lenses so i have to wait 2 weeks before i get my new glasses. but the transition lenses will make work much easier.

i have a question. i've seen around a lot, 'families'. they look like fun, and i REALLY want to join one, but am confused. what exactly is a family, and what do you do when you're in one?
