finally open again!

after the gym, i went to drive to work to discover my car wouldn't start. the steering wheel and ignition was locked, and i couldn't figure out how to unlock it. so i had to leave it at the gym and walk down the street to work. i called mom to tell dad about it because my phone was in dad's car. he stopped by during his lunch break and was able to unlock the wheel and move it over to my work's lot.

izzie (one of the 3 friends i'm upset with) did something new today. the store next door was grilling hotdogs for people to try, and she asked if i wanted to go over with her on her break. she has never instigated time together, it was nice to walk over there with her. but i spilled ketchup on my shirt. i can't eat standing up. we also walked around the store together after work for a few minutes.

for the past 2-3 months the drive up lane for customers that have a lot of groceries has been taped off. so we baggers have had to drag lots of carts up the hill into the parking lot, which is exhausting. but today the rope was removed and the lane reopened. it was so nice to have customers be able to pull around.

i think i might play my digimon world 3 game. it's one of the reasons i still have my ps3. i haven't played it in so long, i haven't had time. but i think i'm going to get it out tonight.
