what a slow day

today it was super slow at work. i got all of my crocheting done for the day while waiting on customers. but i did have to get eggs before i came home. and i managed to get them home without breaking a single one.

when i got home i discovered that mom had made a cake, with coconut shaving in the frosting. it's one of my deceased great grandmother's recipes. she was an awsome baker. mom let me have a big bite of the cake, and it was AWSOME! i'm not much of a coconut person, but i love my grandmother's cake. and since i've already finished crocheting i dug out my digimon game. i'm hoping to make some progress on it tonight.

one of my neighbors used to have a giant white dog. and whenever we walked by he would run up to the fence barking and snarling. very scary. but the white dog is gone now. now they have 2 little black puppies. and they are apsolutly adorable! i'm not a dog person, but i love those puppies. every night this week i've gone for a walk in the evening just so i couls stop by and pet the puppies. their fur is soft and fluffy.
