it broke

last night our roter finally died on us. so dad bought a new one today but he's having a hard time getting it to play with my old computer. so right now i'm on mom's computer.

i had to ride to the gym with mom this morning. dad is off today so he was going to take my car in to get fixed. but i wasn't feeling well after the gym so i came home instead of going to work. i took a nap and felt a little better. i went with dad to take my car in, and the repair guy wasn't there today, so we took in someplace else. but we had to leave it there so we had to walk all the way home. and it's hot outside. ugh. i hate heat. i hate summer.

on the way to the repair shop we turned a corner and one of my back wheels made a loud pop noise. we got out to check but couldn't see anything. i think my car is starting to fall apart.
