i hate being sick

i woke up really early today to go get donuts. my brother and i got them, a card, and a baloon for my dad today. i then tried to go back to sleep but i kept haveing coughing fits and waking myself up. i went to church for second service only because i have a class i have to teach. i medicated myself up so i wouldn't cough on my kids, and made sure not to touch any of them. thankfully they were really well behaved today. i came home and vacuumed, read some fanfiction. ryan actually played a video game with me. crash racing. it was fun to spend time with him. i have no plans for today though. i'm probably going to spend the rest of the day watching the criminal minds marathon and crocheting.

last night though my parents had a huge fight. things have been getting worse lately, and my mom is starting to threaten divorce. i'm worried for my brother. i'm old enough that i could move out, live on campus or find an appartment or something. but he can't. when they got into it last night he sought refuge in my room. i told him if things ever get really bad he can call me and i'll come get him. even if i'm in class or at work. protecting him is now my number one priority. so far things have been good today, but i'm worried it won't last long.
