and i did it without getting lost!

today was my orientation. i did go to work for a few hours before it though. work was very interesting. first the machines decide to be tempermental and decide not to accept debit cards. awhile later they decide they don't like credit either. which leaves the cutomers with only check and cash to pay. but then the check machine decides to go on strike as well. now we're down to just cash. then the rest of the sytem decided, what the heck. everyone else is on strike, why not me too. we had to shut down all the registers and reboot the entire system for the entire store. yeah. fun times.

then i headed off to the university for orientation. i always leave an hour early because it takes 30 minutes to get there, then i usually spend another 30 minutes lost on the campus driving in circles trying to find the building i need. i only go to 3 building and they're all right next to each other. (kayser hall, eppley addministative, and milo bail) so you'd think i'd have it figured out already. and i think i finally have. i managed to drive straight to milo bail without getting lost! and i managed to get home without my gps. i use it to get to campus, but to get home it makes me drive through the city which i am not familiar with, and it makes me tense and nervous driving through the unfimiliar part of the city. so i managed to get on the street my dad showed me and get home my way. yay!

orientation was boring. meet the head of the department, some of the orginizations, talk about certification, and signing up for educ. 2010 which i already took at the community college so that part was pointless. but i did join an orginazation. ASCD (association for supervision and curriculum development). i also put my name on the list for a possible job tutoring kids in a middle school. they pay $12 an hour and ar willing to work around changing college schedules.

not much else for tonight. i have 2 calligraphy peices i want to get done. i'll probably get done just the stenciling done, and maybe some inking but probably won't finish it tonight.
