why won't you leave me alone

my cold has not lessened at all. ugh. i hate going to work and being sick. thankfully i can hide it from the customers well enough as to not freak them out. but it was a slow day, and twice i got stuck on register 5. it was so frustrating! all the other registers were busy and i stood there with no customers to help. i hate being useless. 5 was my unlucky number today.

funny thing, i wake up in the morning and lay in bed and fell awake and rested. but the minute i walk into work i feel tired, fatigued. if my coworkers left me alone i would fall asleep on the bench when i'm waiting for my turn to help a customer. i would sleep the whole day away. and now, i'm at home. and am i tired? not at all. >.< why can't i be tired at home and awake at work?!

my mom decided to go to visit grandparents to get away from my dad for awhile, and ryan went with her. they left earlier today. i miss them. mom wanted me to come too, but i have to teach my sunday school class, and vbs starts next week so i have to help put up decorations sunday night. and i didn't want to leave dad alone. he and i have actually made plans. tonight we went out to smash burger for dinner, then went to lowes to get paint. tomorrow we're going to repaint our railings, and then go bowling for lunch! i can't wait. he and i love bowling. sunday i'm going to try to get him to go to church with me, and we have to clean house and mow the yard.

there are 2 things i want to write in calligraphy with my ink on my parchment paper. i have it written lightly on the paper in pencil, and got my colored ink out, but i can't find my pen. i prefer to do calligraphy the old fashioned way, with a dip pen and an inkwell. it's my favorite pen!!! and i can't find it. i looked in my art tote, tool box, pen cup, and where i store my inkwells but it's no where! i even cleaned my room this morning. i can think of 1 more place to look, but if it isn't there i might have to break down and buy a new pen. i do need more pen tips anyway. i lost all but 1 of mine anyways. maybe i'll be making a trip to michaels tomorrow as well.
