i love bowling

slept in really late today. i think it was because i stayed up till 11 last night. usually the latest i stay up is 10. but i spent the whole morning doing nothing. reading fanfiction, crocheting and listening to my zune.

dad and i ran some errands before heading to the bowling alley. we went to michaels, and i got a new calligraphy pen that came with 8 different tips. i can't wait to try them out. and i got some more colored parchment paper. the book i have has only 2 colors of the 6 left, so i needed more. then i had to go to walmart to get more ink for the printer. but then we were finally able to head to the bowling alley.

i love bowling. it has to be the thing i love most. if i could find a way to make a living just by bowling then i would. but i was frustrated today. i was having a hard time getting strikes. dad said i needed more oomf to my throws, but there is a problem. i can't get oomf with 8 pound balls. i should be using a 10 pound. but the finger holes on the 10 pounders are to big and to far apart. i have small hands, so i can only use the 8 pound. and i can't get any oomf with it. >.< i'm seriously starting to consider buying my own personal ball. i had one before but i outgrew it sadly.

after bowling we came home and mowed, showered, relaxed. dad called mom to check up on her and they got into a fight. really loud and bad. mom hung up on dad once even. i called ryan and talked with him some to make sure he was okay, and he is. but what frustrates me the most is neither mom or dad is willing to sit with the pastor or anyone! i guess i'm going to have to be the adult in their relationship and get them to talk and agree to at least try. then if it doesn't work, then at least they can say they tried.
