and now i remember why i hate crayons

yesterday while i was bowling i ended up drinking 3 cups of soda. i wasn't paying much attention. i'm not supposed to have caffeine at all! and i was stupid and drank 3 cups!!!! i wasn't able to get to sleep until 2 in the morning and i have a horrible headache to go along with my exhaustion today. but thankfully that's all i've had to deal with today because of my stupid mistake yesterday. could be worse.

i managed to convince dad to go to church with me today. he rarely goes, so it was nice. and tomorrow vbs starts so there were a bunch of the decorations up. out theme this year is new york city, 'big apple adventure'. it was cool. but my class i teach went horrible. (and my kids are kindergarteners) they were yelling and jumping in the hall during bathroom break because a teenager they recognized walked by. then back in class the boys were fighting over who got to sit where and a couple started to kick and hit each other. then during the game they fought over the blocks, and were super loud during the lesson and craft. so i decided they were not going to have snack today. they were upset but i was fed up with them by that point. but i do have a partner now. i usually have a new volunteer that works with me each week, but there is a fellow college student on summer break named jessica who will be with me all summer. that will be nice, having someone consistent with me.

i came home and napped, then had to go back to church to decorate my room for vbs. i'm doing preschool recreation. my partner was late, so an hour job turned into 2 1/2 hour job because she wanted me to color windows on her big boxes to look like skyscrapers. i hate crayons. they take forever. but 2 kids who were bored and just there cause there mom was there helped me. so the boxes got done quickly. otherwise i would have been there 3 1/2 hours. i'm so tired. i wanted to be home quickly to watch the criminal minds marathon, but i missed most of it. >.<!!!
