death of a close friend

i'm on the family computer goliath because my laptop, Stupid, has finally passed. he has been having a lot of problems lately, and today we weren't able to fix him this time. i was hoping he'd be able to make it through the rest of the year. i had already planned on getting a new computer on black friday. a shiny new one and naming it spencer (after spencer reid the genius on criminal minds. he's my fav!) but stupid has passed and now i'm using mom's old laptop she doesn't use anymore. but i need a name for it. i have no idea. i need a name, it'd be mean not to give it one. any ideas?

today was day 2 of vbs. it went slightly better. yesterday i learned preschoolers could not stand in a straight line to save their life. today i learned that they also cannot sit in a circle without being told where to sit. it's extremly frustrating.

i came home and crocheted the rest of the evening. though i did go and pick up my new glasses. 8D they're small square lenses with maroon red metal frame. and they're transition lenses!! so now at work when i go outside my eyes won't be blinded.
