i dub thee-warren

i've decided on a name for my new laptop. warren. i think it totally fits my new lappy. and i've finally got all my docs, pics, music and everything off stupid and onto warren.

today was good at vbs. we decided that the preschoolers are way to scattered-brained to do any group planned game. we just let them play like we do with the 2 year olds. we put out the trampolines, hula hoops and chalk. that kept them entertained and it was less stressful for us adults. and for the kindergarteners we played a game with wet sponges. i had fun spashing the kids and squeezing water from the sponges on their heads. we had a lot of fun.

but there was a new person with theresea and i for rec, stacey. she's a friend of thereseas. they would stand there and talk and have fun, and i stood there feeling like a third wheel. not much fun at all.

i usually walk to church. but 3/4 the way there the sidewalk runs out. and to far in the grass there's lots of trash and broken stuff and sticks. so there is a small area between that and the street. but appartnly today, while walking to church some truck didn't like where i was walking, and when he was right next to me, he honked his horn really loudly. T.T it really scared me!! what if i had tripped or something and fallen into the street. he could have killed me! what a jerk!!!!>.<

ryan and i went bowling today though when i got home. we had lots of fun and got along really well. i'm not going to crochet at all tonight. i tried to earlier but my fingers hurt and cramp. i'm oing to give my self horrible arthritus one day with all the crocheting i do.
