i'm so sore

i decided to ride my bike to church instead of walking today. it got into the 100s with humidity, so i needed to be able to get home quickly. but my bike was in the back of the shed behind everything else so it took me awhile to drag it out. but it's been years since i've last ridden, so i found out today i can't turn. so i have to stop and walk my bike around a corner. and now i'm sore. i have to walk bo-legged. and biking a mile uphill made my right knee hurt again. i had to put some ice on it when i got home. it's hard to walk with it now, hurts to bend it.

i think i got seriously dehydrated today. we were outside lots for rec, then i biked home. i had a horrible headache and body cramps. i was also really tired, but i wasn't thirsty. but i forced myself to drink a couple cups of water, then took a short nap. i feel a bit better now. i'm going to go to bed early tonight.
