and now we redecorate the ENTIRE church

today was the last day of vbs. i'm going to miss it, i've had lots of fun. for the kindergarteners we did a triatholon today. they had to ride a trike around a circle of cones, jump over the sprinkler pretending to swim a river, and run to the rope we used for tug of war. them against us teachers. we let them win. but daniel had trouble with the trike. he has a brace on his right leg and a medical condidtion. if he gets even a paper cut he bleeds and bleeds, it doesn't stop at all. so i told him to steer the trike and i'd push him. he would make a hard left then hard right. he was horrible driver. he thought it was fun to knock over half the cones. then he held my hand and we pretended to swim over the sprinkler together. i love him, he's so sweet. he's the type of kid that when you meet him you want to take him home. he even came to find me after his parents picked me up to say goodbye.

vbs ran late today though. we had an open house kind of thing for the parents. the kids sang their songs and danced and pastor josh got slimed since the girls won the nickel knockout compitition. we managed to raise nearly 5,000 in nickels. then there were hotdogs and cookies for everyone to eat. but after all the parents left we had to take down all the vbs decorations and put everything back in its usual order. but the church was absolutly covered. stacy and i drug all the toys back into our room from storage while theresea put them in place. but we had to find a tall person to hang the fish back on the ceiling. none of us were tall enough, even when standing on a chair. i hate being short sometimes. then i headed over to the kindergarten room, my room on sunday morning. the workers had everything in there, and were trying to figure out where it all went. i just starting put it all back the way i had it organized. finally made it home 3 hours later.

i've done nothing since i've been home. read some fanfiction, listened to music, crocheted. might watch some criminal minds. not much else going on. but mom says we're going to the farmers market tomorrow. i want to get another strawberry pie.
