i'm going through withdrawels!o.O

i miss my kindergarteners!!!! i got so used to seeing them everyday and playing with them, and now i'm only going to get to see them once a week. on sundays for the class i teach.

we did go to the old market though today. but i forgot my phone so i was stuck with ryan all day. we managed to get along though. we spent basically the entire morning, several hours, wandering through antique stores. i got a tin coke glass and a glass cup shaped like a coke can. i got 2 cat magnets, and a caramel apple pecan pie. i havn't tried my pie yet though, i'm trying to be strong and save it for tomorrow. i wanted a strawberry pie but the stand was out of them.

we had lunch at a diner, then headed to the bridge that connects iowa and nebraska and walked over it. the river is so flooded, it's amazing! and scary. that water was high and moving super fast.

lastly we got our fireworks. mom and dad bought a ton, i bought just 4. i can't wait. the 4th is the only time mom makes cream cheese cheesecake. it's super yummy! but i just realized, the 4th is also bogart's bday!!! our baby is going to be 3 this year.

i napped when we got home, then went to visit ashley. we mostly watched videos and looked at pics till her internet died, then watched the aristcats. but i did make a pokemon card. want to make your own? click HERE
