relaxing 4th

went to the gym this morning for the first time in 2 weeks. now that i'm finally not sick anymore. well, i still have my cough, but i have a cough year round, so that doesn't count. it felt good to workout.

this morning i had to clean mindy's disgusting kennel. i pulled her litterbox out of it to scoop it this morning and some of the litter spilled on her bed. so i just decided to drag it outside and completly clean. i swear that cat misses her box 75% of the time. there's always a puddle of pee under her box and a pile of turds beside it. yuck!>:P but now it's clean, put back together, and her bed is in the washer.

i've spent the day crocheting and watching funny videos of criminal minds bloopers on youtube. i must say, thomas gibson(the guy who plays hotch) has an awsome laugh. and it's sad that we never get to hear it during the show cause he's always mr. serious. he's really funny too.

mom made cream cheese cheesecake! she only ever makes it on the 4th, and it's super yummy. we're going to eat outside while we light our fireworks off. i hope all of you guys are haveing a fun 4th too!!
