poor lost button, has no home

i did the water aerobics class with my mom this morning. do you know those little boards (which are blue most of the time but are also red) that you hold in front of you when you swim, the floaty boards? they can be used as torture devices. she made us keep them underwater the whole time. pushing them down and forward. she said her goal for this morning was to make one of our arms fall off.

work was slow, but good. i'm working on another book, called 'here kitty kitty'. it's a horror book. it's about this little town by a lake, and there's an island on the lake. the main character's dad (who is dead, killed and eaten by an unkown animal) actually had built a mation that opened portals to the ice age time. and animals, such a dire wolves, sabertooth tigers, and mamoths have started coming through. the people can't see these doors, just the animals. most of the story is told from the perspective of the main human's cat billie. the wolves and sabertoothes have started killing the townspeople. it's a really good book.

i found a button today. the por lost button. from where it was found, it definatly belongs to one of the baggers. i asked around some today but was unable to find who it belonged to. i'm going to take it back to work with me tomorrow, i'm determined to find it's home.

this song is absolutly beautiful. and it freaks my cat out for some reason when i play it, which is hilarious to see her reation.
