my scanner hates birds

last night i finally got off my butt and drew something not school related for the first time in a long time. i drew a sandhill crane for a challange. i love it, it turned out beautifully. unfortuntly my scanner apparantly hates sandhill cranes, and when it scanned it, now it looks horrible. no way i'm going to enter it into the challange. all that hard work, for nothing.

today was the usual, gym, work, home. but my favorite weight machine was broken today, so i had to do others i don't like that much. and work was so slow today, slowest day this week. horrible. but i did get lots of reading done. i finished 'here kitty kitty' (which i totally recomend to everyone! it's awsome!) and started reading a shonen jump. i'm a year and 1/2 behind. i'm mostly through january 2010 edition. i had to dig out my collection last night. i have a huge stack to read, but it will give me plenty to do at work now that i've finished my books.

i still haven't found the button's home. it might belong to walli, but i'm not sure. if not then i shall have to put the poor dear in my button orphanage (my sewing box).

mom's making spagetti for dinner tonight. yuck! i hate sgetti.
