so much pain

i can't wear my new glasses. they are digging extremly painfully into my head behind my ears. it hurts so bad, stabbing intense pain. i'm wearing my old glasses today. i hope to be able to take my glasses back in sometime this weekend to have them adjusted.

today mom and i walked. we met at the gym, then walked over to the parade grounds and walked around them for an hour. walked a couple of miles. then walked back to the gym, and i did the elliptical for 30 minutes. but when we were walking, a bug landed on my shirt, on my boob! i screeched and flicked ot off, but then it flew around my mom's and my heads for awhile. we screeched and swatted it. that was a really mean bug!

work was okay. just hot. we actually got busy for awhile around lunchtime, and at the end of the day. i headed to the bx afterwards to try and find some new shoes. the ones i was wearing, i had completly worn down the inside to the sole of the shoe. my feet were hurting walking around in them all day. i wanted to get some of those kid shoes that light up. i found out that even though i'm a 7 in adults, i'm a 4 or 5 in kids. but there weren't any light shoes in that size. there were some heely ones (the shoes with the wheel in the heel). i thought about getting them, but then realized that with my severe lack of coordination i'd probably kill myself. i ended up then heading to walmart, but they didn't have any light shoes either. grrrr. they did have some shape up kind of shoes on sale really cheap, so i got those. i also had some subway for dinner. it was that or leftover spaqetti at home. and as i said before, i hate sqetti.

but on a happy note, the lost button will not be going to the button orphanage! i found who it belonged to. after 2 days of searching and asking everyone, i found that it belonged to walli. she even brought the shorts in to show me. it had popped of her buttoned pocket. i gave it back to her, so now it's home. she says she's going to sew it back on.

on a bad note, my parents are argueing again. they've been good for awhile, but now they're yelling at each other.
