children are exhausting

dad went with me to church today. but my kids were a handful. the volunteer helper placed in the room during first hour was someone they all REALLY like. which is nice, except they got so excited and riled up. so they were quite energetic. i managed to get half quieted down with a few games of hangman, and jessica calmed the rest down by playing in the play kitchen with them. they dug out every single dish and food item we had. by time class was over i was exhausted. those kindergarteners drain me sometimes.

i went and got my glasses adjusted. so now i can wear them. when i got home mom and dad were leaving and ryan was already gone, so i had the house to myself all afternoon. i had some lunch, vacuumed the whole house, then crashed. bogart wanted to nap with me, but between the two of us, there wasn't enough room on the couch, so he went and napped on my bed. sammie napped with me though. he layed on my feet. i feel much better now. i've spent the day reading fanfiction. but unfortunatly mom is making tacos for dinner. yuck. another thing i don't like, but the rest of my family does so we end up having it often. but she did make a desert. ritz crackers with peanut butter between them dipped in chocolate. they're so yummy!
