i hate my brother's cat

those chocolate ritz things mom made didn't agree with me last night. i was up a lot last night because i had an upset stomach. and because of sammie, my brother's cat. he was howling and crying last night because he was upset he was in bed. (we put sammie and mindy in the laundry room with beds because they won't sleep peacefully in bed with us at night like texa and bogart). mom at 4 in the morning had finally had enough. she yelled (well, more like snarled) at ryan to wake up and let his cat up. and if he misbehaved then she was going to trap him in his room. but he also let mindy up, which he wasn't supposed to do. normally mindy bugs the heck out of me, wanting me to get up and give her attention. but she was actually good. curled up in the crook of my arm and slept with me. it was nice.

i took some meds this morning and felt good enough to go to water aerobics this morning. betina (the instructor) is like a drill sargent from hell. she made us hold ourselves up on the wall out of the water, and hold our arms up in the air for most of the class. painful. i think i prefer it when she uses the floaty boards as torture devises. at least then my arms stay under water.

i've spent the rest of the day in bed. my meds wore off once, so i kidnapped my mom's heating pad. i am now holding it hostage. and mindy is curled under my arm purring. i love my kitteh.

this is what my baby looks like
