i'm leaving

for just a little while. dad and i are heading out tonight to go visit my grandparents. i should be back saterday, but definatly sunday.

work was good. i brought 3 shonen jumps with me today. i got at least a year behind on them because i was so busy with homework and crocheting blankets. i started back up on january 2010 to catch up, and now i'm on august 2010. it makes time fly at work, and makes work more enjoyable. why be at boring work when i can escape reality and live someplace so much more fun. though jenny and i got into a debate yesterday about naruto. she says sasuke is her fav character and i hate him. my fav is gaara, and she doesn't like him. it was a fun argument.

had to leave work early though today. had to pick up some healthy snacks for my trip tonight and drop some raisins off at church. i won't be able to teach this sunday so my partner jessica is taking over for me. i told her i'd leave some raisins for snack time in the room for her. i also let beth know that my room is missing our checkers game and our toy soldiers. we lost them in the chaos after vbs.

i should be packing my bag right now, but i'm procrastinating. i have everything set out on my bed. i'm just not motivated enought ot get up and pack it.
