i'm baaaack!

so finally i'm back home. but my grandparents followed us back home so i won't be able to visit everyone's worlds till they leave tomorrow night.

our trip thursday night didn't get off to a good start cause when dad went to close the windows he didn't check at all and closed my hand in mine. that definatly hurt.

friday grandparents had to work. so dad and i went to my aunt and uncle's house, they said we could borrow their bikes. we biked to my other grandparents house to visit them, then to maid right for lunch. to hyvee (cause i forgot to pack a toothbrush. i had use my finger the night before, but i really wanted a toothbrush) to menards to meet grandparents cause they needed dad's help finding a new tv. back to hyvee cause i wanted yogurt, back to grandparents to set up the tv. back to aunt and uncles for awhile. we biked approx. 6 miles all together. with lots of hills. -.-; my cousin hanna was napping so we stayed till she woke up so we could see her. but when she got up she was digging in her toys, and wasn't quite awake yet. dad snuck up behind her to tickle her sides, and scared her. she started crying.

later that night dad and papa grilled lots of meat (apparently there were 3 differnt kinds, but it was all red meat so i thought it all tasted the same). grandma and i made all the sides and set the table. my aunt and uncle and hanna came out to eat with us.

today we slept in. but they decided we were going to have a late breakfast, but i needed to take my pills. i can't take them on an empty stomach so i ate some strawberrys. but that wasn't enough apparently and i got REALLY nausaues. i went back to bed, and was woken up by hanna. they came out to visit a little bit in the morning. grandma and i made eggs and waffles and had that with leftover meat for breakfast. grandma and i then went to walmart to get supplies to bake, and i got a basket for my bike. dad and papa spent the day cutting holes in the ceiling trying to fix some electrical issue. grandma and i baked cookies and rice creispies. watched same movies (matilda and nanny mcfee), made lunch, then packed our bags.

trying to get out of town was difficult. grandma had some things she had to drop off at church. but then relized she forgot something, so had to go back home then back to church. we went to leave town, and dad and i lost sight of grandma and papa. turns out they had forgot some more stuff and had to head back into town to home to get it. dad and i ended up pulled over the side of road waiting on them. took forever to get home.

but i'm so glad to be home. i love my grandparents, but they don't keep their house all that clean. whereas my mom is a clean freak. but mostly it's the kitchen. grandma never wpies down the counters or picks up the food that falls on the floor. and she doesn't put dishes away. she washes them then piles them on the counter, which is dirty. *shudders* mom would KILL ME!!! if i ever tried that in our kitchen. i don't really like cleaning myself, but i had a huge urge to grab the dish rag and scrub her kitchen. my mom has brainwashed me.
