my teeth hurt

along with my toothbrush, i also forgot to take my retainers with me when i went to my grandparents. so yesterday there was a dull ache in my teeth from them shifting. and when i popped my retainers back in last night they were very tight and made my mouth hurt. it still hurts.

today was full of old trains. my parents, brother, gandparents and i went to 'train days' today. 4 museums plus a botanical garden, and they bus you to them. but it got all the way up to 113 degrees today, so we went to the garden first early in the morning. but mom got annoyed with me because i wanted to go tot he kids stations to do the crafts and games. at the gardens i made a bookmark. at the next musuem i made a postcard and played a game. there were 2 tables stacked high with boxes and letters, and 4 large bins. you had to find the zip code on the package and put it in the correct bin, and it was a race. my partner and i won. we got a real stamp, and a stamp on our hands. then i made a postcard to go with my stamp. i'm going to mail it to my aunt. yesterday she took louie (one of her cats) to the vet because he was having more heart problems. he had to be put down. i feel so bad for my aunt, she lost one of her babies.

for the other three museums we got to ride a trolly which was a lot of fun. i got a balloon animal, a monkey climblig a tree. but when we went to the next museum, they fire a cannon at the top of every hour. si went to sit in the grass to watch, and when i set my monkey next to me, he and the tree trunk popped. *sniffs* i hadn't even had him for an hour! but the top of the tree survived, and i found that if i adjusted the smaller leaves it looked like a fish. so now i have a fish which is starting to deflate.

i bought a new seat for my bike. it's a seat with no nose (the skinny part that goes between the legs). i'm hoping it will be more comfortable and i won't be so sore. i want dad to put it on my bike tonight, and my basket, so i can ride my bike to the gym tomorrow.
